Saturday, September 5, 2009

seven states of matter - everything is mind

There are a total of seven states of matter in the universe.

The usual three states of matter that we are familiar with are solid, liquid and gas. All states of matter differ in terms of properties such as integrity of shape and vibrational rate of molecules. There are four more states of matter.

The fourth state of matter above gas is plasma. Plasma is ionized gas. It is gas that is superheated to the point some of its electrons break away from their nuclei and join other nuclei. The gas molecules are in an unstable state and therefore behave in a haphazard and unpredictable manner. Stars are made of plasma Fire is plasma. It is powerful, dangerous and attractive at the same time.

The fifth state of matter above plasma is beam. The difference between beam and the other four states is that the particles of solid, liquid, gas and plasma all move randomly in all directions whereas the particles of beam move harmoniously in one direction.

Beam is harmonious and coherent whereas plasma is chaotic and erratic. The vast difference of temperament between the forth and fifth state of matter very well corresponds to the idea that there is greatest amount of chaos right before order, or there is greatest amount of confusion right before clarity appears. There is great war before there is great peace.

Beam also differs from the other four states in terms of being non-thermal while the rest are thermal. The more energetic the vibrations of particles are, the more heat they would generate. But because the particles of beam are traveling in the same direction, they do not collide against each other to generate heat.

Friction is the cause of heat. Friction is the result of particles colliding with each other and increasing their vibration or kinetic energy. Beam creates heat not in itself but when its particles clash against other matter. You feel the heat of light when its photons clash against the molecules of your skin. The greater the intensity of the beam and the more concentrated it is, the more friction it will generate when it interacts with other matter. You get incinerated when you get close enough to the sun.

Heat is vibration generated by friction of one state of matter with another or with itself. Sound is vibration propagating through matter.

Other than these five states of matter, there is a state lower than all these states. It is the zero state of matter. The zero state of matter is known as the BEC or Bose-Einstein Condensate. It is the most condensed condensate of all matter.

This state of matter was discovered by the scientist called Bose. He shared his findings with Einstein who helped him to publish his work to the world. Their joint venture resulted in the newly discovered state of matter being known as the Bose-Einstein Condensate.

A BEC exists when matter is frozen to extremely low temperatures that are a tiny fraction of a degree above absolute zero.

In this state, the atoms overlap into each other to form a wave. The BEC is a matter wave. If the wave was compressed, it would form a singularity. If enough mass was condensed into the singularity it could turn into a black hole.

It is believed that the zero state of matter could lead to the development of flat space technology. In future, it might be possible to transport huge objects in very tiny spaces as long as they are not compressed beyond the critical mass which would result in a black hole.

The occurrence of a black hole while making BEC would not need to be too much of a concern anyway because it would require a tremendous amount of energy to compress mass into the critical point.

The zero state of matter, like the fifth state of matter, is also non-thermal. It does not emit heat as well since its particles are not in motion at all thereby not causing friction.

Some elements of each state of matter are able to exist at room temperature. There are room temperature plasmas and matter waves (dark matter).

So these are the six states of matter. But all things exist in sevens, since it is the nature of the universe to exist in sevens. The fifth state of matter is not the limit, there is a sixth state above it.

Thought wave is the sixth state of matter. Thought wave exists at a higher energetic level than beam. Thought wave can move even faster than beam. It moves at the speed of infinity. It is at once here and at once there. Thought wave is local and nonlocal.

The truth is, all matter is basically one and the same. All matter is different manifestation of thought wave or etheric matter. All other states are condensations of the highest state. Thought is consciousness, consciousness is mind. The Universal Mind is what all things ultimately consist of.

Every single elemental type of matter has its own default state at room temperature. That is because it has a mind, consciousness or memory to exist in that state and have its corresponding properties. It is a mental programming present within the matter that arranges the atoms, molecules or subatomic particles in a particular manner.

There is Intelligence in Everything. All Stuff is Thinking Stuff.

As the Universal Mind thinks of a form, it takes the form. As it thinks of a motion, it makes the motion. Everything you see in the universe is an expression of a thought of the Universal Mind. That is the way all things were created. We live in a mental universe and all things are truly thought forms.

When science is able to develop ways of manipulating the mental programming within matter, we will be able to create “smart objects” such as paper that can uncrease itself perfectly after being crushed into a ball. Or even a “mercury man” terminator machine who can transform itself into any shape and color. We are able to change the form and properties of an object by changing the way it thinks.

This sums up the seven states of matter, from matter wave to thought wave.

All matter is one matter. All matter is thought wave. All matter is energy. All energy is one energy. All energy is kinetic energy. Everything moves, everything vibrates. All energy is consciousness. Thought is mind in motion. All matter is mind. All matter and energy are different manifestations of Mind.

Mind is Matter. Matter is Mind. Mind is the universal matter.

Everything needs a medium to exist in. The law of the universe is something must exist in something else. Something cannot exist in nothing. A total vacuum is space empty of everything else except the Ether (dark energy) or thought wave. There is no such thing as complete empty space. It would not even be space at all.

All matter has mass and occupies space. Mass is the measure of an object’s resistance to changes in either the speed or direction of its motion. The Ether or thought wave is what fills up the space in a vacuum. It has the least amount of mass because it is of the lowest density. There are different densities of thought wave and different densities in Ether. The Universal Mind is the Ether or Thought Wave by which all other thought waves (etheric matter/energy) pass through.

Something cannot be created from nothing. In the beginning, there was nothing but God or the universal mind. God can only create from himself. God is the universal matter. All things are manifestations of the universal mind/matter. The universe is one continuous sea of energy. There is no separation except by perception.

The universe was created as an idea in the Mind of God. First there was thought wave. The thought wave became beam, the beam became plasma, the plasma became gas, the gas became liquid, the liquid became solid and the solid became black holes. There is balance of forces in the universe. The universal thought wave is even finer than our individual thought waves. The universal mind is the Ether that permeates all things and is All Things.

Everything is Mind. Mind is Everything. The Universe Is Mind.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We all know that knowledge expands by sharing it with others yet many of us seldom practice it. We should encourage all to share their positive ideas with people around them to spread good thoughts and positive energies around us. As a matter of fact, whatever we are going to talk about now are the basic facts which are known to almost all people yet it remains dormant in most cases since we seldom explore it.

To start with, a term that I have come across plenty of times during my interactions with different groups is “the difference between truth and belief”. In very simple terms, the truth is something experienced by ourselves and belief is what others have experienced and conveyed us. Something what can be truth for you may be a belief only for others. For example, my truth is that meditation helps us gain mental peace and bliss since I have experienced it myself and when I share it with you then whosoever has practiced it and felt the same, it’s their truth as well but for those who have not experienced it yet, it will just be a belief till they experience it themselves.

Similarly another term that I come across several times is “the difference between target & result”. Here to put it simply the target is in your hands, result is not. While my discussions with some friends about concentrating on efforts and not the results the first reaction came that how was it possible to keep a target and not expect the result while you are working on it.

If you come to think of it, when we keep ourselves a target and device a strategy to achieve it then all that’s left with us is to do efforts (karma) to achieve it. Here I would like to share one of my truths with you to explore it further and that is “we form our future ourselves through thoughts, actions and feelings.” With positive thoughts, positive actions & positive feelings we can force the desired results to happen but mind it clearly please that results “HAPPEN” when efforts are “DONE”. We can MAKE things happen by DOING certain efforts, by THINKING positively and by FEELING good.

How to feel good, how to feel happy, how to feel in complete bliss? The answer is by living in present and by enjoying what you have instead of crying for what you don’t have. Most of the times, we focus on what our friends, relatives or peers have and we don’t. If you think that you fall into similar situation sometimes, then try to focus on what you have. Whether others have it or not should not bother you for your peace of mind. You may have a clean heart, a loving family, mental peace, good health, a respectable image in society or so on… and you must feel good about it. When you want to feel good, you will find many reasons for the same and when you want to feel bad, you can find plenty of reasons for that as well. How desperate are you to feel good, ask yourself ?

The thoughts are like magnets; if you think positively you will attract more positive thoughts. Similarly more & more negative thoughts are attracted by negative thinking. Sometimes, you feel on the top of the world & sometimes too low. That largely depends upon your thoughts & situations you are into which are formed by the actions and thoughts in the past. Miraculous thinking brings miraculous results when it’s accompanied with miraculous efforts & feelings also. Working hard with negative thoughts or dreaming positive without working for it will never fetch you desired results. Thinking of meditation will not fetch you that eternal bliss, you will have to practice for it regularly. So do good to feel good, feel good to think good & think good to have good.

There is a basic fact that worries don’t give you solutions but actions do. Yet whenever we fall into a problem, most of us start worrying about it to extremes thinking to the extent that the worst in the world is going to happen with us only. With such negative frame of mind whatever efforts we do are also infected with negative thinking & thus attracting negative results to invite more & more negative thoughts to us.

How to avoid negative thoughts? You can do so by keeping the company of learned people, reading good books, listening good music, practicing meditation & self-control, doing good deeds like helping the needy people or by doing anything that helps you feel good about yourself & your situation.

One simple scientific reason for why we should help the needy people is that whenever a person in need is helped by someone else, he feels so good about it that he prays for blessings for the person who has helped him. This generates positive feeling in him and positive energy around the person who has been the source of help to him. Similarly the satisfaction gained by the person who has helped him also makes him feel better and thus generating positive energy. This is called the power of blessings & positive energies. The more of such energies are spread around us, the more we will attract the same to create a heaven here, around us.

Quite a lot of people ask me what is meditation & why should we practice it. Some of them carry many wrong notions about it. What I have learnt from Patri sir during my interactions with him, I will try to mention it in most simple terms here that meditation is “being in complete control of your mind (your thoughts)”. That means that with regular practice of meditation, you will be able to attain a level of complete bliss which is the supreme form of happiness. Meditation should be practiced by students, professionals, businessmen, housewives, politicians, bureaucrats etc. for all round success in their respective fields. A success that will bring you satisfaction and make you feel good about yourself. It’s not something that carries you away from your family but it is what brings you close to yourself. It’s not a spiritual activity but anything that you do for the benefit of others without any personal interests in it is the highest form of spirituality. That’s what Pyramid Spiritual Society is doing by spreading seeds meditation around the world.

Let’s all contribute to it by practicing it ourselves and encouraging people around us to do so for the benefit of mankind and our future generations.